Degree 3rd Year English Question 2018

Degree 3rd Year English Question 2018
Compulsory English
Degree 3rd year
*Board Question-2018*
Subject Code: 121101
Time – 3 hours and 30 minutes
Full marks-80
[N.B—The figure in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Read the passage carefully and answer the question below:
According to the Aristotle tragedy is an imitation of an action. An action is the process of an individual from one position to another. In other words, an action consists of incidents and events. The arrangement of these incidents and events is plot. As stated by Aristotle, a plot has a beginning a middle and an end and it is so well constructed than no incident can be omitted without destroying the unity of the whole. A plot which consists of series of disconnected incidents is called episodic plot and it ranks the worst. According to Aristotle, plots are of two kinds: simple and complex. A simple plot is one which is single and continuous and in which the change of fortune comes about without a reversal or a discovery. A complex plot, on the other hand is one in which the change of fortune is accompanied by a discovery or a reversal or both.                                                                                                                     Marks
1.(a) Answer the questions below:                                                                       1×4=4   
(i) What is action?
(ii) What is episode plot?
(iii) What is plot?
(iv) How many types of plot has Aristotle mentioned here?
 (b) Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the basic word:                                                                             1×6=6
Position, Imitation, Omit, Whole, Simple, Change

Part B
(Answer any five question)
2. Change the following words as directed and make sentence with the changed word.
Beauty (Adjective), Encourage(Noun), Great(Adverb), Power(Verb).

3.Supply a suitable word in the blank in each of the following sentence.
(a) It is a pen ……….. I bought yesterday.
(b) I am found of  ………… .
(c) He does not know how to……… .
(d) I would …….… to use his car.

4. Use the right from of verbs within brackets:
(a) I wish I (be) a poet.
(b) It (be) raining for three days.
(c) He (die) last night.
(d) I saw two boys (swim) in the pond.

5. Give the Antonym of the following words and make sentences with those antonym.
Developing, courage, good, black

6.Frame WH-question from the following sentences:
(a) He went to Dhaka to buy a car.
(b) Shakespeare was a playwright.
(c) He lives in London.
(d) He went to India yesterday                          

7. Re-arrange the following words to make sentences:
(a) in sky the birdy fly.
(b) lives the grass cow on.
(c) today well I not am.
(d) for long I have known him a time.
8. Punctuate the following passage:
the most important of all parts of a Tragedy is the structure of the Incidents Because Tragedy is an imitation not of men but of an action and life.
9. Translate the following passage into English:
শিক্ষা অর্জন করা প্রত্যেক মানুষের জন্য ভীষণ জরুরি। শিক্ষা ছাড়া মানুষ উন্নতি করতে পারে না। শিক্ষিত ব্যক্তি সকলের কাছে প্রিয়। তাই আমাদের সকলের শিক্ষিত হওয়া উচিত।

Part C
(Answer any five question)
10. Write a paragraph on any one of the following:
(a) Price Hike
(b) Air Pollution

11. Write a report for the newspaper on the abuse of mobile phone.

12. Write a letter to your younger brother on the importance of reading newspaper.

13. Write an application to your principal of your college for a canteen in the college campus.

14. Write an essay on any one of the following:
(i) A Journey by Train
(ii) Birds of Bangladesh

15.Amplify the idea (any one)
(i) An empty vessel sounds much.
(ii)Tit for tat.

16. Write a dialogue between two friends about child labour.

17. (i) Write a  Poster about the dangers of impure water.
     (ii) Prepare an advertisement for a new Shampoo.

Degree Compulsory English HandNote-2020

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