If conditional sentences rules in English grammar Raqibul24

 If conditional sentences rules in English grammar Raqibul24

*Conditional Sentence*

(i) Zero Conditional: <>If + Present Indefinite, present Indefinite.


Question: If you heat water to 100©, it (boil).

Answer: If you heat water to 100©, it boils.

1.  1st Conditional:  <>If + Present Indefinite, will base.


Question: If he reads, he (passed) the exam.

Answer: If he reads, he will pass the exam.

Question: If character is lost, all (be) lost.

Answer: If character is lost, all will be lost.

2. 2nd Conditional:<>If + Past Indefinite, would base.

                           <>If + Sub + were, would base.


Question:  If I saw him, I (tell) him the matter.

Answer: If I saw him, I would tell him the matter.

Question: If you wanted, I (help) you.

Answer: If you wanted, I would help you.

Question: If I (be) you, I would help her.

Answer: If I were you, I would help her.

Question: If I (was) you, I would not do this.

Answer: If I were you, I would not do this.


3. 3rd Conditional: <>If + past perfect, would have + Verb এর P.P

                               <>had + Sub + Vp.p,  Would have + Verb এর P.P


Question: If he had come, I (go).

Answer: If he had come, I would have gone.


Question: If you had studied regularly, you (pass) the exam.

Answer: If you had studied regularly, you would have passed the exam.

Question: Had you told me, I (call) me.

Answer: Had you told me, I would have called me.

N.B: would এর পরিবর্তে Could, Might বসতে পারে।

Would ---- হবে।

Could ---- পারা।

 Might --ক্ষমতা/প্রভাব/উদ্যম/জোড়।

Conditional Sentences

Short-Cut Rules 

<> Present Indefinite, will base.

<>Past Indefinite, would base.

<> Past perfect, would have মুল Verb এর  P.P 

·      If + Sub + were, would base.

·      had + Sub + Vp.p,  Would have + Verb এর P.P


If conditional sentences rules in English grammar Raqibul24

If conditional sentences rules

conditional sentences rules


conditional sentences rules in English grammar

conditional sentences

If conditional sentences in English grammar


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